How to Choose the Best Skin Imaging Device For Your Practice (2025)

As a dermatologist, med spa operator, or aesthetician, skin is your business. Skin care is your calling, and your patients thrive off of your energy and the excellent care you provide. But regardless of how great a job you do, there’s a barrier to your customer relationship that you can’t easily overcome—the barrier of knowledge.

Sure, your patients can recognize the differences you make. But without knowing their own skin as well as you do, a patient may not know what else they need or how far they have left to go to achieve their skin care goals. Thankfully, technology has closed this gap between patients and providers.

By finding the right skin analysis machine for your practice, you’re helping patients make smart choices while boosting ROI, outcomes, and word of mouth. But which skin analysis machine is right for you?

Here’s why you need a skin analysis machine and a few things to consider as you choose from today’s leading brands.

Why You Need a Skin Analysis Machine & How To Choose One – A Guide

Every commercial relationship has two parties: a buyer and a seller. At the end of the day, we’re all buyers—of goods, services, or major investments like houses and cars—but only a few of us are sellers.

In some cases, this knowledge barrier can lead to a discrepancy that generally works in the seller’s favor. We can’t always know, for instance, if an automotive mechanic is telling us straight or is talking us into expensive repairs.

Savvy consumers may research a product or service extensively to get the most for their money. But in certain industries, we can never learn enough. This is especially true of medical and cosmetic services.

Simply put, consumers can’t know their skin care needs as well as providers. But what if they could? How would that affect their purchasing decisions or their satisfaction with services rendered?

How Skin Analysis Supercharges ROI, Patient Satisfaction, & Repeat Business

Imagine a new patient at your practice. They’re fed up with decades of blemishes and are finally ready for a laser treatment to improve their complexion.

As a provider, you might notice that they could use a more liberal approach to skin care. This patient may have developing wrinkles, enlarged pores, and inflammation that need to be addressed. But our patient is focused on one procedure to fix one problem. They might even have budgetary concerns that make them resistant to additional services.

Naturally, you could treat that patient and hope they return later. Not everyone is ready for the next step, you’ll say. That’s just a fact of life. But if your patient knew as much about their skin as you did, they might reconsider.

By performing a skin analysis during the consultation phase, you’re confirming that—yes—the patient has hyperpigmentation, which your laser services can help with. But they also have a laundry list of other skin concerns that could benefit from treatment. The right skin analysis machine can even print off a physical list of these issues alongside the services you offer to treat them.

At a minimum, and regardless of that patient’s repeat business, you’ve added value to your service. That alone can help you stand out in competitive local markets. But you’ve also doubled or tripled the likelihood of return business, or at least encouraged an add-on to the laser treatment they came seeking in the first place.

Now that you understand the value of a skin analysis machine, what features should you look out for?

The Best Features of a Skin Analysis Machine

A skin analysis system goes beyond advanced medical imaging software. The best professional skin analysis machine for your practice serves as another employee—it communicates with patients, encourages action, and offers a level of science and trust that’s hard to disagree with.

Keep an eye out for these top factors when searching for a skin analysis device.

Advanced Technology & Innovation

Not all professional skin analysis machines are equally engineered. Emerging technologies differ wildly in their functions, features, and software. At Emage, we leverage our intimate industry experience to create 3D imaging systems that do what others can’t.

Our Image Pro® SUNLITE and Image Pro® HYBRID models boast numerous features that other systems can’t hope to match, including:

  • Industry-best high-resolution imaging capable of zooming at 9,280×13,920 megapixels
  • The only imaging system with dual light sources: zeon flash lamps and LED
  • 99.9% self-sterilization in 20 seconds
  • Automatic lifetime upgrades (the system checks our servers for upgrades on every startup)

Naturally, both our SUNLITE and HYBRID models detect skin conditions of every kind and size, including:

  • Skin depth
  • Skin texture
  • Skin grain
  • Pore size
  • Hydration levels
  • Sun damage
  • Dyschromia analysis
  • Vascularity
  • Skin age
  • Inflammation
  • Sebum & porphyrins
  • Wrinkles & potential wrinkles
  • Surface, epidermal, & dermal pigment
  • More

Affordability & Support

Tight margins and relatively high overhead costs keep practices like yours on a razor’s edge. At Emage, we know that you don’t always have thousands to spend on the latest hydradermabrasion device or the newest skin imaging system. That’s why we value affordability and consistent support.

For just $257 per month, you can deploy our Image Pro® SUNLITE at your practice today. Our Image Pro® HYBRID—with AI facial recognition and Violeds technology—fits right in during consultations for $336 per month, an industry-low cost. But we don’t stop with affordability.

Emage is proud to offer the best warranty in the business, too. Emage customers enjoy a practically unheard of 3-year warranty with a 5-year extended option available. Best of all? Providers get unlimited training during the warranty period—more than enough time to make you a master of skin imaging software and hardware.

Patient Recognition & Treatment Recommendations

Bells and whistles are nice in any piece of advanced technology, but the user experience is crucial. A skin analysis camera should serve your practice like a diplomat—as a trusted third party without ulterior motives or the ability to lie.

The Emage Image Pro® lineup uses AI facial recognition to welcome patients back. Our skin imaging systems remember patient information and can even demonstrate the improvements you’ve made since they visited last. A scannable QR code or printed list of issues and services keeps your patients engaged throughout their own skin care journey.

When patients are in the driver’s seat, they’re more likely to make decisions that are in their own best interests. With an Image Pro® on your side, you’ve closed the knowledge gap between patient and provider for the benefit of all involved. It really is as simple as that.

Schedule Your Tour of Image Pro® Skin Analysis Machines

There are two kinds of aesthetic practices—those that offer skin analysis and those that will soon. In competitive local markets, the providers who communicate the highest value to patients are most likely to retain those patients.

Better still, when you do what other providers won’t, you create outcomes that other providers can’t. If skin is your business and you’re not offering skin analysis during consultations, you’re leaving money on the table.

There are plenty of skin imaging systems out there today, from our own Image Pro® lineup to other offerings from companies like Canfield and their Visia. We’re confident that you’ll see the advantages of our Image Pro® lineup when you schedule your product tour today!

Offer Skin Analysis At Your Practice Before Your Competitors Do the Same

As consumers, we’ll almost never be able to learn as much about a good or service as sellers already know. But when we feel a little more educated, a little more empowered to make the best decisions for ourselves, we’re a little more trusting, too. Skin analysis systems put patients in the driver’s seat. Arm your patients with the information they need to make the most of your service offerings. Call Emage today at (704) 412-3152 or contact us online for a no-obligation product tour!

How to Choose the Best Skin Imaging Device For Your Practice (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.